287 New Milford Turnpike (Rte 202)
PO Box 2305
New Preston, CT 06777-1606
Phone: (800) 247-4111 or (860) 619-0400 Fax: (860) 619-0243
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 H A N D - F O R G E D  I R O N  •  H A N D C R A F T E D   I N   U . S . A .
Cane Bolts
When installing French doors (or any two-door units), bolts such as these are necessary to stabilize one door of the pair. The remaining door can then be securely latched to it. Available in 2 standard sizes to work with any type of door. (Please specify “surface”, “mortise”, or “tab” style strike plate).
A)  4295 Large Cane Bolt
Plate Size: 6 1/2” L x 2” W.
Bolt Size: 1” x 1/2” x 7”
Overall Length: 18” or 24”

B)  4270

Standard Cane Bolt

Plate Size: 4” L x 1 1/2” W.
Bolt Size: 1/2” x 1/2” x 5”
Overall Length: 12”
Slide Bolts
Bolts, such as these, were made in many sizes for installing on all types of doors. A tensioning leaf on the back of the bolt holds it in place for horizontal or vertical mounting. Shown with surface mount strike.
(Please specify “surface”, “mortise” or “tab” style strike plate).
C) 4220 Standard Slide Bolt
Plate Size: 4” L x 1 1/2” W.
Bolt Size: 1/2” x 1/2” x 5”
Overall Length: 7 1/2”
D) 4285 Small Slide Bolt
Plate Size: 2 1/4” L x 1” W.
Bolt Size: 1/4” x 1/4” x 3”
Overall Length: 5”
Hook & Eye
Forged in square stock with a center twist, these hooks exhibit a lot of detail. Use for bathroom doors, cupboards or in the barn.
(Available in 3 sizes.)

4” Hook & Eye
8” Hook & Eye
12” Hook & Eye
Dutch Door Quadrant
Two piece Dutch doors were most common in eastern Pennsylvania and New York State. Quadrants were designed to hold the two door halves in alignment and to allow the quick separation of the top half from the bottom when desired. They are also popular on stable doors.
(Please specify “left” or “right” handing).
F) 4240           Dutch Door Quadrant
                       5 1/2” L x 4 3/4” W.
A very authentic way to secure a barn or shed door. This design works well on single or double doors. (Please specify door thickness and handing).
G) 2720         Hasp
             12” L x 1 1/2” W.
Part Number Description Cost  Product Options Qty
Cane Bolts  
A 4295-18 18 inch Large Cane Bolt $205.25            
4295-24 24 inch Large Cane Bolt $218.50            
B 4270 12 inch Standard Cane Bolt $171.75            
Slide Bolts  
C 4220 7 1/2 inch Standard Slide Bolt $163.75            
D 4285 5 inch Small Slide Bolt $69.50            
Hook & Eye  
E 1137-1 12 inch Hook & Eye (heavy 1/4 inc sq. stock) $28.50            
1138-1 8 inch Hook & Eye (heavy 1/4 inch sq. stock) $26.50            
1139-1 4 inch Hook & Eye $18.75            
Dutch Door Quadrant  
F 4240 Dutch Door Quadrant $206.25            
G 2720 12 inch Hasp $148.75            
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